Article 14417

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Antonova Ol'ga Gennad'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of history, theory and applied sociology, N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia),
Dyl'nova Zoya Mikhaylovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of regional sociology, N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. The article analyzes the main trends of development of Russian higher education in conditions of social transformations which taking place in the society under the influence of globalization processes. The purpose of the study is to reveal the nature of these trends, problems and prospects for the modernization of the Russian education system.
Materials and methods. Study and analysis of scientific literature on this subject, publications of domestic authors, statistical data of VCIOM and Rosstat, legal documents on education, journalistic articles and media materials.
Results. The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by a paradigm shift in thinking and revaluation of values in education. One of the important areas of the education reform is the change in its aims, a reorientation to meet the needs of the individual. This is especially evident in higher education. The emergence of a new educational paradigm of the Russian system of higher education has contributed to a number of trends, both positive and negative. Such a condition is called an educational crisis, which is associated with the search for a new model of education, the introduction of flexible and projected forms of education. In this regard, an informed approach to the renovation of the Russian higher school is needed.
Conclusions. Traditional forms of classical Russian education do not correspond to the modern needs of the labor market and are not able to ensure Russia’s entry into the European educational space. At the same time, ignoring the positive national experience and copying Western models without taking into account Russian traditions can cause negative consequences for the Russian higher school.

Key words

higher education, social transformations, Bologna process, educational paradigm, trends, continuity of education

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 09:11
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 11:36